Riflessologia plantare (ca. 50 min)

Through foot massage different parts of the body can be stimulated and cured. As it is the case with most natural methods, this type of cure aims at considering the body in its entirety. Foot massage helps the detoxification process and stimulates both the circulatory and lymphatic Systems.  Besides noting all these qualities, it is important to bear in mind that, above all else, this  massage is very relaxing and particularly suitable for people who suffer from  pain in their feet.


 Massaggio completo (ca. 50 min)

In cases of tiredness, weakness, muscle and nervous tensions, caused by daily stress, this massage is a form of pleasant stimulation toward an overall sense of regeneration and well-being, it frees from stress, resulting in a harmonious balance of body, mind and spirit and it uplifts the morale.


 Massaggio con oli speciali della Wala e del Dr.Hauschka (ca. 30 min)

Some special oils, made from some of the precious gifts of Nature, protect and revitalize the skin, making it soft and elastic. The enveloping movements of this massage bring about a sense of deep relaxation, while at the same time awakening the body’s vital energies.


 Linfodrenaggio manuale (ca. 60 min)

This form of drainage facilitates a successful cure of any type of  lymphatic imbalance, from urine retention to cellulitis. It  stimulates the cleansing process and strengthens the immune-defence system.


 Massaggio parziale (ca. 30 min)

This massage can be applied to the back as well as on feet and hands. It facilitates relaxation,  at the same time releasing  muscles pain.


 Shiatsu (ca. 60 min)

This is a technique of massage based on a system of finger pressure, the principles of which are based on the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture. Therefore all the treatments are aimed at activating the flux of energy through the meridians. A session of Shiatsu induces apleasant sensation of well-being, a feeling of freedom of movement and a deeper level of breathing.


 Massaggio all'addome (ca. 30 min)

This is a pleasant massage to the abdominal area to loosen pain and swelling. It is especially advisable in cases of constipation and colitis as well as in any specific need of body detoxification.


 Tecnica metamorfica (ca. 50 min)

This technique is a revolutionary method  for sustaining one’s vital energy which is constantly moving towards the realization of its potential. Many patterns of the past, traumas, worries, fears are released, giving rise to a deep process of transformation. This allows to reach a state of mental, emotional and

behavioural balance, free from obtacles. The life movement may thus become more fluent, conscious and open to change.

The Metamorphic Technique which is in tune with the principles of holistic medicine stimulates tranquillity of mind, confidence in oneself and trust in Life.